Digitized Hispanic Censuses

Hispanic population censuses available only as digitized images (with or without an index) or as a digital index (no images).

Part of: Hispanic Genealogy Guide

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Argentina obtained its independence from Spain in 1816.

Argentina, National Census, 1869

This was the first national census conducted in Argentina.

Information found in the 1869 census records may include: Name, age, gender, marital status and nationality, Birth place (Province if Argentine), Occupation, Statistical summary of the special conditions, such as legitimacy, race, disabilities, students, and others
Source: FamilySearch Wiki

Argentina, National Census, 1895

This was the second national census conducted in Argentina.

The 1895 census contains the following information for everyone living in the household at the time: Surname and name, Residence, Age at the time of the census (infants are shown in number of months old), Gender: males are identified with the letter “V” for varón (male) and females with the letter “M” for mujer (woman), Estimated year of birth, Province of birth, Nation of birth, Gender, Marital status
– Source: FamilySearch Wiki

Argentina, Buenos Aires City Census, 1855

The census of 1855 of the city of Buenos Aires may include the following information: Name, Relationship to head of household, Gender, Age, Marital Status, Residence, Birthplace, Country of birth, Literacy, Number of years in Argentina
– Source: FamilySearch Wiki


Guatemala obtained its independence from Spain in 1821.

Guatemala, Guatemala City Census, 1877

Census enumeration schedules generally contain the following information: Complete locality including the canton, street, house number, block number, and parish name; Given name and surname of each individual living in each house or property; Name of the head of household; Age of each individual; Marital status or civil status; Occupation of each individual; Birthplace of each individual; Gender of the adults: male or female; Gender of the children: boys or girls; Whether an individual knows how to write; Mental or physical disabilities; Religion; Race: whites, Indians (natives), mixed (mulatto)
– Source: FamilySearch Wiki


Mexico obtained its independence from Spain in 1821.

The 1930 Mexico National Census

This is the only federal census available to the public. The returns for the Federal District are missing.

Information recorded includes: City or village and state where census was taken, Head of household, Full name of each household member, Gender, Age, Marital status (including the type of union: civil, church, or common law), Occupation, Birthplace of each person, Nationality, Native language, Religion.
– Source: FamilySearch Wiki

Puerto Rico

Spain ceded Puerto Rico to the United States in 1898. Those born after this date obtained U.S. citizenship in 1917. Puerto Rico is a U.S. territory.

Puerto Rico, Social and Population Schedules, 1935-1936

Enumerators recorded the following details: Municipalidad (municipality), Barrio (district), Nombre de la institución (name of institution), Ciudad o pueblo (city or town), Enumerado por mi este dia (enumeration date), Lugar de residencia (place of residence), Nombre (name), Parentesco de esta persona con el jefe de la familia (relationship to the head of the family), Sexo (sex), Color (color), Edad (age), Condición matrimonial (marital status), Natividad (nativity), Ciudadanía (citizenship), Ocupación e industria (occupation and industry)
– Source: Ancestry

  • Indexed & Searchable: Yes
  • Description & Tips: N/A
  • Available At: Ancestry

U.S. Federal Population Censuses

The Treaty of Paris (1898) ceded Puerto Rico to the United States (from Spain). Only U.S. Military and Naval Forces were included in the 1900 census of Puerto Rico. However, civilians have been included ever since then.
– Source: FamilySearch Wiki

1900 U.S. Census

1910 U.S. Census

1920 U.S. Census

1930 U.S. Census

1940 U.S. Census

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