recommended viewing

Watching the popular YouTube channel "De Mi Rancho a Tu Cocina" is like stepping back in time.

Popular YouTube Channel Provides a Look at My Great-Grandmother’s Life on a Rural Mexican Rancho

Did your ancestors live on a rural Mexican rancho? If so, you will want to subscribe to this fabulous YouTube channel. Even those who are not of Mexican descent, but who are just into authentic cooking, culinary history, or experiencing new cultures will want to follow this channel.

Popular YouTube Channel Provides a Look at My Great-Grandmother’s Life on a Rural Mexican Rancho Read More »

Hispanic Genealogy, , , ,
WSGS Webinar with Rich Venezia

Rich Venezia’s Webinar for WSGS on USCIS Record Sets

Rich Venezia takes the mystery out of Alien Registration Files and other USCIS record sets that are valuable to your genealogy research. Learn about five key record types and how to order them. I received answers back to my USCIS requests in less than one month.

Rich Venezia’s Webinar for WSGS on USCIS Record Sets Read More »

Hispanic Genealogy My Recommendations, , ,
FamilySearch - Crossing the Frontera

FamilySearch Webinar “Crossing the Frontera” Explains Mexico to U.S. Border Crossing Records

Finding your ancestors’ Mexican border crossing records and getting the most out of the data captured in those records can sometimes be a challenge. This excellent FREE webinar is an invaluable source for maximizing your time working with these border crossing records.

FamilySearch Webinar “Crossing the Frontera” Explains Mexico to U.S. Border Crossing Records Read More »

Hispanic Genealogy My Recommendations, , ,
Legacy Family Tree Webinar on Catholic Records

Legacy Family Tree Webinar: “Finding Your Roots in Catholic Records”

Researching Hispanic ancestors involves a significant amount of time working with Catholic church records. Having a solid understanding of those records is essential to doing good genealogy. I highly recommend this webinar to anyone with Catholic ancestors.

Legacy Family Tree Webinar: “Finding Your Roots in Catholic Records” Read More »

Hispanic Genealogy My Recommendations, , , ,
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