border crossing records

Getting the Most Out of U.S. Border Crossing Records for Mexican Genealogy

If you have Mexican ancestors or relatives who immigrated to or temporarily lived and worked in the United States in the 20th century, U.S. border crossing records for arrivals from Mexico are an essential source for researching twentieth Mexican and Mexican-American individuals and families. This FREE downloadable article of mine will help you more thoroughly work with these invaluable records.

Getting the Most Out of U.S. Border Crossing Records for Mexican Genealogy Read More »

Hispanic Genealogy Repositories & Sources Research Methods, ,
FamilySearch - Crossing the Frontera

FamilySearch Webinar “Crossing the Frontera” Explains Mexico to U.S. Border Crossing Records

Finding your ancestors’ Mexican border crossing records and getting the most out of the data captured in those records can sometimes be a challenge. This excellent FREE webinar is an invaluable source for maximizing your time working with these border crossing records.

FamilySearch Webinar “Crossing the Frontera” Explains Mexico to U.S. Border Crossing Records Read More »

Hispanic Genealogy My Recommendations, , ,
Jose Robledo

Close to Identifying My Immigrant Great Grandfather Jose Robledo’s Birth Date and Parents’ Names

Two new documents found last month helped me to finally start busting down another 15+ year old brick wall, providing the first references to the names of my great-grandfather José Robledo’s parents. Not even Dad, his cousins, or his uncle (José’s sole living child) know the names of these individuals.

Close to Identifying My Immigrant Great Grandfather Jose Robledo’s Birth Date and Parents’ Names Read More »

Hispanic Genealogy My Family History Repositories & Sources, , , , ,
Maria Aurelia Compean - Border Crossing 1919

With Whom Did 2nd Great Grandmother Maria Aurelia Compean Immigrate from Mexico in 1919?

The recent discovery of the last of the border crossing records for my paternal grandfather’s immediate family has prompted me to try to solve a similar mystery about his grandmother Aurelia, whose border record indicates she immigrated alone in 1919. There is just no way my 55 year old non-English-speaking 2nd great grandmother crossed into a new country and traveled from Texas to California by herself.

With Whom Did 2nd Great Grandmother Maria Aurelia Compean Immigrate from Mexico in 1919? Read More »

Hispanic Genealogy My Family History Repositories & Sources Research Methods, , , , ,
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