death records

The Spanish Flag

Tips on Spain’s Civil Registration System, from Daniel at the Genealogy Corner

If you have Spanish roots, I want to introduce you to The Genealogy Corner blog, published by Daniel. He blogs regularly about his Spanish and English research. Daniel published a video tutorial on YouTube this week about Spanish death certificates, so I thought this a good time to steer my readers with Spanish roots to some of Daniel’s work.

Tips on Spain’s Civil Registration System, from Daniel at the Genealogy Corner Read More »

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1914 Civil Death Registration for Celedenia Robledo

Celedonia Robledo, the Mexico-Born Sister My First-Generation Grandfather Never Knew

A Mexico civil death registration record confirms that great-aunt Celedenia Robledo died at just 18 months of age, one year prior to the family immigrated to the U.S. She is the older sister that my grandfather never knew.

Celedonia Robledo, the Mexico-Born Sister My First-Generation Grandfather Never Knew Read More »

Hispanic Genealogy My Family History Repositories & Sources, , ,
Jose Robledo

Close to Identifying My Immigrant Great Grandfather Jose Robledo’s Birth Date and Parents’ Names

Two new documents found last month helped me to finally start busting down another 15+ year old brick wall, providing the first references to the names of my great-grandfather José Robledo’s parents. Not even Dad, his cousins, or his uncle (José’s sole living child) know the names of these individuals.

Close to Identifying My Immigrant Great Grandfather Jose Robledo’s Birth Date and Parents’ Names Read More »

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