
New FamilySearch symbology linking to a digitized collection

FamilySearch Makes it Easier to Access Unlinked Digitized Records

While doing last minute preparation on Sunday for my final lecture that the Texas State Genealogical Society’s excellent conference in San Antonio, I noticed a new feature on FamilySearch. They have rolled out an easier more direct way to access those unlinked (non-indexed, non-searchable, browsable-only) digitized collections.

FamilySearch Makes it Easier to Access Unlinked Digitized Records Read More »

Repositories & Sources

New FamilySearch Webinar: “Getting Started in Mexico? Why You Should Try” (Sat. 11/18)

Are you new to researching your Mexican ancestors? Have you been doing Mexico research for a while, but want to make sure you are getting the most out of your research efforts? My friend and colleague Debbie Gurtler, AG® is debuting a new webinar from FamilySearch that you won’t want to miss.

New FamilySearch Webinar: “Getting Started in Mexico? Why You Should Try” (Sat. 11/18) Read More »

Hispanic Genealogy My Recommendations, ,
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