
The Early California Population Project

Using the Early California Population Project Database to Research Your Spanish & Mexican Era California Ancestors

Do you have ancestors who lived in pre-statehood California? If so, there is a good chance you might find them in the Early California Population Project.

Using the Early California Population Project Database to Research Your Spanish & Mexican Era California Ancestors Read More »

Hispanic Genealogy Repositories & Sources Research Methods, , ,
Colleen Robledo, Baby

Beginning the Search for My Birth Mother, with Whom I Share Half the Same DNA

This past Monday marked the anniversary of my parents bringing me home as a baby, which six months later resulted in my legal adoption. I have the best parents and family in the world, and have never felt the need to try to find my birth parents. Last week though, I I finally caved and began the process of identifying my biological family by taking an autosomal DNA test through

Beginning the Search for My Birth Mother, with Whom I Share Half the Same DNA Read More »

My Family History, , , ,
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