My Hispanic Research & Heritage Email Newsletter Has Moved to Facebook

Why a Facebook Page?

The email newsletter took a ton of time to compile and publish each month. I used MailChimp, an easy enough platform for me to use, but crafting and curating content in that manner took a lot of time. Time which I just don’t have since I juggle a busy full-time job, with a busy part-time university teaching job, and my increasingly genealogy speaking business on the side. It’s so much quicker for me to share an item on Facebook.

Because the email newsletter went out monthly, it had no flexibility for adding events or priority articles that needed to be shared sooner than the next monthly newsletter. A Facebook page allows me to get get time-sensitive information to you quicker.

At least in the U.S., Facebook is still the most heavily used social networking platform by adults. 69% of U.S. adults use Facebook, 7 in 10 of those check Facebook daily, and 49% of adult users check Facebook multiple times per day. Genealogy still in general has an older demographic, and 50% of all U.S. adults age 65 and older use Facebook. 36% of U.S. adults claim they get their news through Facebook.1 So it just made sense for me to finally create a Facebook page for this newsletter.

What if You Don’t Use Facebook?

I am well aware that many people choose to not use Facebook, and that there are growing concerns about Facebook. My intent is not to exclude those who are not on Facebook. Inclusion is important to me. However, I just don’t have the time to set up additional channels through which to distribute this content. I am just now coming off a 1 year blogging hiatus, so am focusing my energy right now on my blog and the new Facebook page. I will continue to think on this and reassess my time and options in the future.

But you can and should subscribe to my blog. Some of what I will share on the Facebook page will get shared in longer form on my blog. If you are not currently subscribed to my blog, look for the email sign up form in the sidebar, and submit your name and email address to start receiving my blog posts delivered right to your email inbox.

Why a Genealogy & Heritage Focus?

The Hispanic Genealogy & Heritage News page on Facebook, as well as the old email newsletter, does not focus solely on “genealogy” events and news. I am an educator, a librarian, and a historian who teaches genealogy from a broader perspective. Researching, understanding, and celebrating our family history is about more than just a genealogy focus. Learning about Hispanic history, traditions, and culture helps us gain a deeper understanding of our ancestors’ lives, and connects us more to our roots.

So hop on over to Facebook and follow the Hispanic Genealogy & Heritage News page today!

Sources Cited

  1. John Gramlich. “10 facts about Americans and Facebook,” Pew Research Center, 1 June 2021 ( : accessed 14 November 2021).

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