Closest Birthday, Uncle Robledo Shares My Birthday

Uncle Robledo, Young Boy

My 4th entry in Amy Johnson Crow’s “52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks” family history blogging challenge for 2015. The theme for Week 4 is: Closest to your birthday — Not too much to think about here. What ancestor has the birthday closest to yours?

My 4th ancestor is my dad’s youngest brother, who I will simply refer to as Uncle Robledo instead of by his full name since he is still living.

Rosie Salas Family
Uncle Robledo (far left), Grandma Rose Salas, Aunt Robledo (also still living), and Dad.

This is a brief post, because I have never been close to my uncle and have not seen him in years. But, we share the same birthday, so I do think of him every year on my own birthday.

Benjamin Robledo and Youngest Son
Uncle Robledo (right) with his father, my grandfather US Navy WWII Veteran Benjamin Robledo.

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