Family Photos Friday: Roy D. Pace, 1930s

Roy Pace, 1930s.

This post is part of my new “Family Photos Friday”, which consists of quick easy posts that showcase snapshots from our family history.  Since I’ve spent much of the last couple weeks chatting about my Grandpa Flanagan, I thought I’d share a bit about my husband’s grandfather, Roy D. Pace, in this week’s featured Family Photo.

I am just starting my research on the Pace line, so I don’t have many confirmed details about him, but secondary sources indicate that Roy D. Pace might have been born October 19, 1913 in Bartlett, Texas. He is deceased, although I don’t have a confirmed death date — it was during my husband’s youth.  Roy eventually moved out to the Bakersfield, California area, and my husband says that his grandfather worked for the Civilian Conservation Corps as a young man.

I look forward to discovering more about Roy D. Pace and his ancestors!

Why this particular photo? Just because I think it’s really cool; I love the 1930s era.

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