San Jose State University iSchool

I am Teaching a Graduate Level Genealogy Course for the San Jose State University School of Information

This June I start teaching a summer session course in genealogy for the graduate School of Information (iSchool) at San Jose State University. A course like this back then would have saved me years of frustration in my own research, and would have made me an even better librarian in terms of the type of research assistance and programming that I provided in public, special, and academic libraries.

I am Teaching a Graduate Level Genealogy Course for the San Jose State University School of Information Read More »

My Work,
Silverio Robledo and Maria Jesus Sanches Matrimonio Record

Confirming the 1877 Marriage Date of 2nd Great Grandparents Silverio and Maria Jesus Sanchez

A couple days ago, I blogged about finding the Información Matrimonio (Premarital Investigation) record for my 2nd great grandparents Silverio Robledo Nieto and Maria Jesus Sanchez Carbajal. I mentioned in that post that an actual marriage date is not referenced in that record. This is typical for Información Matrimoniales; the marriage event is documented in a separate marriage record, the matrimonio. On Sunday, I found that matrimonio record!

Confirming the 1877 Marriage Date of 2nd Great Grandparents Silverio and Maria Jesus Sanchez Read More »

Hispanic Genealogy My Family History Repositories & Sources, , ,
Silverio Robledo and Maria Jesus Sanchez, Part 4

Finding the Mexican Premarital Investigation Record for 2nd Great Grandparents Silverio Robledo and Maria Jesus Sanchez

Locating the premarital investigation record for my 2nd great grand parents Silverio Robledo and Maria Jesus Sanches, married in the state of San Luis Potosí, Mexico. This record is rich in genealogical information.

Finding the Mexican Premarital Investigation Record for 2nd Great Grandparents Silverio Robledo and Maria Jesus Sanchez Read More »

Hispanic Genealogy My Family History Repositories & Sources, , ,
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